this keyword in java
There can be a lot of
usage of java this keyword.
In java, this is a reference variable that
refers to the current object.
Usage of java this keyword
Here is given the 6 usage of
java this keyword.
1. this
keyword can be used to refer current class instance variable.
2. this()
can be used to invoke current class constructor.
3. this
keyword can be used to invoke current class method (implicitly)
4. this can
be passed as an argument in the method call.
5. this can
be passed as argument in the constructor call.
6. this
keyword can also be used to return the current class instance.
1) The this keyword can be used to refer current class
instance variable.
If there is ambiguity between the instance variable and
parameter, this keyword resolves the problem of ambiguity.
the problem without this keyword
Let's understand the problem if we don't use this keyword by the
example given below:
class Student10{
int id;
String name;
Student10(int id,String name){
id = id;
name = name;
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
public static void main(String args[]){
Student10 s1 = new Student10(111,"Karan");
Student10 s2 = new Student10(321,"Aryan");
Output:0 null
0 null
In the above example,
parameter (formal arguments) and instance variables are same that is why we are
using this keyword to distinguish between local variable and instance variable.
of the above problem by this keyword
//example of this keyword
class Student11{
int id;
String name;
Student11(int id,String name){ = id; = name;
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
public static void main(String args[]){
Student11 s1 = new Student11(111,"Karan");
Student11 s2 = new Student11(222,"Aryan");
111 Karan
222 Aryan
If local
variables(formal arguments) and instance variables are different, there is no
need to use this keyword like in the following program:
where this keyword is not required
class Student12{
int id;
String name;
Student12(int i,String n){
id = i;
name = n;
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
public static void main(String args[]){
Student12 e1 = new Student12(111,"karan");
Student12 e2 = new Student12(222,"Aryan");
Output:111 Karan
222 Aryan
2) this() can be used to invoked current class constructor.
The this() constructor call can
be used to invoke the current class constructor (constructor chaining). This
approach is better if you have many constructors in the class and want to reuse
that constructor.
//Program of this() constructor call (constructor chaining)
class Student13{
int id;
String name;
Student13(){System.out.println("default constructor is invoked");}
Student13(int id,String name){
this ();//it is used to invoked current class constructor. = id; = name;
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
public static void main(String args[]){
Student13 e1 = new Student13(111,"karan");
Student13 e2 = new Student13(222,"Aryan");
default constructor is invoked
default constructor is invoked
111 Karan
222 Aryan
Where to use this() constructor call?
The this() constructor call should be used to reuse the
constructor in the constructor. It maintains the chain between the
constructors i.e. it is used for constructor chaining. Let's see the example
given below that displays the actual use of this keyword.
class Student14{
int id;
String name;
String city;
Student14(int id,String name){ = id; = name;
Student14(int id,String name,String city){
this(id,name);//now no need to initialize id and name;
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name+" "+city);}
public static void main(String args[]){
Student14 e1 = new Student14(111,"karan");
Student14 e2 = new Student14(222,"Aryan","delhi");
Output:111 Karan null
222 Aryan delhi
Rule: Call
to this() must be the first statement in constructor.
class Student15{
int id;
String name;
Student15(){System.out.println("default constructor is invoked");}
Student15(int id,String name){
id = id;
name = name;
this ();//must be the first statement
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
public static void main(String args[]){
Student15 e1 = new Student15(111,"karan");
Student15 e2 = new Student15(222,"Aryan");
Time Error
3)The this keyword can be used to invoke current class
method (implicitly).
You may invoke the method of the current class by using the this
keyword. If you don't use the this keyword, compiler automatically adds this
keyword while invoking the method. Let's see the example
class S{
void m(){
System.out.println("method is invoked");
void n(){
this.m();//no need because compiler does it for you.
void p(){
n();//complier will add this to invoke n() method as this.n()
public static void main(String args[]){
S s1 = new S();
is invoked
4) this keyword can be passed as an argument in the method.
The this keyword can also be passed as an argument in the
method. It is mainly used in the event handling. Let's see the example:
class S2{
void m(S2 obj){
System.out.println("method is invoked");
void p(){
public static void main(String args[]){
S2 s1 = new S2();
Output:method is invoked
of this that can be passed as an argument:
In event handling (or) in a situation where we have to provide
reference of a class to another one
5) The this keyword can be passed as argument in the constructor
We can pass the this keyword in the constructor also. It is
useful if we have to use one object in multiple classes. Let's see the
class B{
A4 obj;
B(A4 obj){
void display(){
System.out.println(;//using data member of A4 class
class A4{
int data=10;
B b=new B(this);
public static void main(String args[]){
A4 a=new A4();
6) The this keyword can be used to return current class
We can return this keyword as a statement from the method. In
such case, return type of the method must be the class type (non-primitive).
Let's see the example:
of this that can be returned as a statement
return_type method_name(){
return this;
Example of this keyword that you return as a statement from the method
class A{
A getA(){
return this;
void msg(){System.out.println("Hello java");}
class Test1{
public static void main(String args[]){
new A().getA().msg();
Output:Hello java
Proving this keyword
Let's prove that this keyword refers to the current class
instance variable. In this program, we are printing the reference variable
and this, output of both variables are same.
class A5{
void m(){
System.out.println(this);//prints same reference ID
public static void main(String args[]){
A5 obj=new A5();
System.out.println(obj);//prints the reference ID
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